Birds, Beaver & Water Activity

Did you know there is a beaver dam right in the middle of civilization, right here in Cache Valley!?! Any idea where it is?

Watch a 31 second introduction to beaver, then a 1 mn 36 sec news clip on the beaver dam at our South Walmart.

Step 1: watch these two short videos:
31 second introduction to Beaver:


Read Mary-Ann Muffoletto’s Utah State Today article about installing the South Walmart beaver pond levelers:
USU Scientists Lead Innovative Wetlands Effort with Beavers, Walmart,

Step 2: Answer these three questions:

  1. Do beaver help store water?
  2. Do beaver create wetlands?
  3. Do beaver create habitat for birds, fish and mammals?

To learn more about beaver and birds in our changing climate:
The two minute 17 seconds KSL video mentions the importance of beaver for water quality:

Quick Facts:

Nature's Engineers The Dam Beaver National Geographic Nature Documentary HD 2013 2
Nature's Engineers The Dam Beaver National Geographic Nature Documentary HD 2013 2

Bridgerland Audubon Society:
Birds & Our Changing Climate
Birds, Beaver and Water in a Changing Climate
Pieces about Beavers on Wild About Utah:


Free Downloadable Coloring Page:
Color a Beaver Habitat, Count the Animals

Links of Interest

Courtesy & © Heidi Perryman
Courtesy & © Heidi Perryman

This project was funded in part by the National Audubon Society