Short-eared Owl
Courtesy Project Feederwatch
Walt Cochran, Photographer
Top 15 Bird Species Sighted in Utah
Graph Courtesy & Copyright Kaitlyn Stevens
From FeederWatch Data 2016-2023
“Project FeederWatch turns your love of feeding birds into scientific discoveries. FeederWatch is a November-April survey of birds that visit backyards, nature centers, community areas, and other locales in North America. You don’t even need a feeder! All you need is an area with plantings, habitat, water or food that attracts birds.” []
Help citizen science, report your observations via ebird and our local hotlines.
Participate in Project Feederwatch, a national project coordinated by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Birds Canada.
Project Feederwatch Resources:
Report your sightings on ebird and the hotlines.