of Global Significance for White-faced Ibis
Cutler Marsh
Copyright 2010 Mike Fish, Photographer
In 2009, the Cutler Marsh and nearby Amalga Barrens in Cache Valley were recognized as one of the world’s most important bird habitats. This recognition came from Birdlife International and its US partner — the National Audubon Society. This was the result of years of surveys conducted by members of Bridgerland Audubon Society and others.
Current Concern:
Proposed Benson Incorporation
Audubon Important Bird Areas
Cutler Hydroelectric Project, PacifiCorp, https://www.pacificorp.com/energy/hydro/cutler.html

Amalga Barrens
Copyright 2009 Jim Cane, Photographer
Bridgerland Audubon Amalga Barrens Sanctuary
Cutler Marsh-Amalga Barrens Important Bird Areas, Holly Strand, Wild About Utah, December 2, 2010, https://wildaboututah.org/cutler-marsh-amalga-barrens-important-bird-areas/
Important Bird Areas, Holly Strand, Wild About Utah, October 21, 2008, https://wildaboututah.org/important-bird-areas/
The work that made it happen:
The Rookery, Arie Kirk, Herald Journal News, Posted Jul 17, 2009
White-Faced Ibis Rookery : AFO Presentation: Cutler Reservoir-Amalga Barrens: an IBA of Global Significance for White-Faced Ibis
Wetland maze: