BLM Vegetation Restoration

re: Recent Bureau of Land Management Policies and Decisions
Expediting Large-Scale Vegetation Removal and Logging

Reported by: Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance

SUWA is seeking co-signers in an effort to get the current administration to act on decisions made in the prior administration regarding vegetation restoration and removal.

The Bridgerland Audubon Society has signed on to this letter. However, a copy won’t be posted until the official letter is sent to the BLM.

Over the last few weeks, several groups have prepared a community letter addressed to the new higher-ups at Department of Interior and Bureau of Land Management regarding the Bureau’s restoration programs and, specifically, the several programmatic actions and rule makings that occurred during the last 16 months of the Trump administration re: vegetation restoration and removal. We have also made some concrete recommendations for the Department to consider as stopgaps to address immediate issues, alongside big-picture recommendations for review of the BLM’s landscape restoration policies to improve its coordination, scientific-underpinning, and transparency.

Related Content:
SUWA on BLM Chaining and Vegetation Removal
The Issues: Pinyon-Juniper Alliance
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Website
BLM National Environmental Policy Act Handbook H-1790-1(2008)