Cache Birders Hotline and Statewide Notification Tools

Sandhill Cranes Courtesy & Copyright Chris W Mortensen Cache Valley Wild Bird Photo Contest 2021

Sandhill Cranes
Courtesy & Copyright Chris W Mortensen
Cache Valley Wild Bird Photo Contest 2021

There are five ways to share bird sightings in Cache County and to find out about recent sightings. Two statewide listserves include Cache County in their coverage, a mailing list and a localized listserve. Preferred by most is now eBird.

  1. Birdnet is a listserve for reporting rare birds statewide. Details at
  2. Birdtalk is a listserve  for any other bird-related topics: to share common sightings, discuss patterns in occurrence, or to discuss birding locations, for example. Details at
  3. TopofUtah is a listserve for reporting birds in the Cache, Rich and Box Elder counties. Details at
  4. For statewide sightings, a recent GoogleGroups list is found at
  5. eBird is a great tool not only for reporting sightings, but for monitoring recent sightings as well as locating birds you may want to see.

This page dedicated to Nancy Williams, who for years, predating eBird, GoogleGroups and other mailing innovations, provided new bird alerts to our community. Nancy passed away November 6, 2024 and is greatly missed.