Apr 14, USU Wildlife Society St. George Herp Trip

Texas Horned Lizard, Courtesy FWS, Steve Hillebrand, Photographer

Texas Horned Lizard
Courtesy FWS
Steve Hillebrand, Photographer

Good Morning all!

This post is to serve as a sign-up for our joint field trip with the USU Wildlife Society. The trip will go from Friday, April 14 at 830 AM until Sunday 6 PM. This is different than what is on the activities calendar, apologies for the late pivot. This trip plans to do herpetology events during the daytime and birding in the mornings and evenings. We will be camping at the biodiversity hotspot, Lytle Ranch Preserve near St. George, Utah, and trek to nearby places from there. Please review the itinerary that has been put together via the url below before making a decision on attending this trip.

There are four spots available for us to fill here with BAS. A $20 fee will cover camping fees and meals specified in the itinerary in this post. This is a high-activity and impact trip so we ask that those who sign up are interested in participating in the whole weekend, can do the hikes, enjoy camping, and are excited about not only birds but herps as well! We can carpool to share the cost of gas as well. Please email me at m.kugel@outlook.com to sign up. First come first serve. Please review the itinerary completely. Please email me by this Friday, the 24th for consideration.

Important requirement for anyone staying at the campground – We need everyone to sign this liability waiver to stay at Lytle Ranch Preserve-> https://lytle.byu.edu/visiting/liability-waiver

From UtahBirds.org: http://www.utahbirds.org/counties/washington/LytleRanch.htm

As a side note, mark your calendars for April 30th for our Bear River Auto Tour field trip! This will be an all-day trip. More details to follow!