Lake Art 4 Compilation
Courtesy & Copyright Therese Berry
Mini-Grant Application
Great Salt Lake Audubon and Bridgerland Audubon are sponsoring mini-grants to classrooms to cover expenses in building Lake Puppets designed by Making Waves for Great Salt Lake Artist Collaborative, Therese Berry Artist. The collaborative includes work from Therese Berry, Nan Seymour and Sarah May. You may use the materials on this site and return a picture of the results of your work. Or, we can send you a kit containing the 11×17 cardstock, pipe cleaners and sticks. We ask for an image in either case with photographer name, classroom and date. We will post these images online and must comply with children protection requirements. Thus, we don’t want any names and we would like you to secure permission from parents before submitting images of any children with the puppets. Images should be forwarded to Questions can be addressed by Hilary Shughart, President, Bridgerland Audubon,
Mini-Grant Application
- Page Contents/Menu
- Mini-Grant Application
- Avocet Puppet
- Brine Fly Puppet
- Brine Shrimp Puppet
- Eared Grebe Puppet
- General Puppet Making Supplies
- The Science Behind the Puppets
- Great Salt Lake Background-Brine Shrimp, Brine Flies, American Avocets & Eared Grebes and more…
- Puppet Posters & Templates
- Sponsors & Collaborators
Avocet Puppet
Courtesy & Copyright Therese Berry
AVOCET Build Instructions
COLOR the puppet before you cut it out
CUT the puppet and the tail feather piece out
GLUE on the Avocet eyes
FOLD the tail feather piece and glue it up under the end of the tail
PUNCH a hole for each leg (marked on the template)
SHAPE the white pipe cleaners into AVOCET legs, insert and tape
on the underside
GLUE the two body pieces together – leave the mid-body area open
HOT GLUE the puppet stick in place – lower mid-body
Wow! That is one great looking AVOCET!
NOW ~ ~ ~ ~
PARADE your AMERICAN AVOCET puppet with your Lake loving
community in praise, honor, and witness of Great Salt Lake and all lifegiving water bodies!
Avocet Puppet Build Instructions (.pdf opens in new window)
Avocet Template 11×17 pdf (.pdf opens in new window)
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Brine Fly Puppet
Courtesy & Copyright Therese Berry
BRINE FLY Build Instructions
COLOR the puppet before you cut it out
CUT the puppet out (remove the paper legs if you decide to add pipe
cleaners for legs)
CUT three 12” black pipe cleaners in half for 6 fly legs
PUNCH small holes for the 6 legs (marked on template)
BEND the fly legs into ‘fly leg’ shapes. Insert and tape to secure on
the underside
MAKE a ‘finger ring’ by rolling a strip of paper 1” x 4” into a ring –
tape to secure.
TAPE the finger ring onto the underside – so you can wear your
Brine fly puppet
Wow! That is one great looking Brine Fly!
NOW ~ ~ ~ ~
Your Brine Fly finger puppet is ready for you to PARADE with your
Lake loving community in praise, honor, and witness of Great Salt
Lake and all life-giving water bodies!
Brine Fly Puppet Build Instructions (.pdf opens in new window)
Brine Fly Template 11×17 pdf (.pdf opens in new window)
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Brine Shrimp Puppet
Courtesy & Copyright Therese Berry
BRINE SHRIMP Build Instructions
COLOR the puppet before you cut it out
CUT the puppet out
GLUE on the Brine Shrimp eyes
CUT two short 1” antennae out of black pipe cleaner
PUNCH a small hole for the antennae (marked on template) insert
and tape on the underside
MAKE a ‘finger ring’ by rolling a strip of paper 1” x 4” into a ring –
tape to secure.
TAPE the finger ring onto the underside – so you can wear your
Brine Shrimp puppet
Wow! That is one great looking Brine Shrimp!
NOW ~ ~ ~ ~
Your Brine Shrimp finger puppet is ready for you to PARADE with your
Lake loving community in praise, honor, and witness of Great Salt
Lake and all life-giving water bodies!
Brine Shrimp Puppet Build Instructions (.pdf opens in new window)
Brine Shrimp Template 11×17 pdf (.pdf opens in new window)
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Eared Grebe Puppet
Courtesy & Copyright Therese Berry
EARED GREBE Build Instructions
COLOR the puppet before you cut it out
CUT the puppet out (body and ear feathers)
‘Fringe’ cut the ear feather edges
GLUE on the ear feathers and the eyes
GLUE the two body pieces together – leave the bottom area open
HOT GLUE the puppet stick in place – lower mid-body
Wow! That is one great looking Eared Grebe!
NOW ~ ~ ~ ~
PARADE your EARED GREBE puppet with your Lake loving
community in praise, honor and witness of Great Salt Lake and all
life-giving water bodies!
Eared Grebe Puppet Build Instructions (.pdf opens in new window)
Eared Grebe Template 11×17 pdf (.pdf opens in new window)
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Puppet templates – copied onto cover stock
Crayons / Colored Pencils / Markers
Glue sticks
Large popsicle sticks (tongue depressors) – for Grebe and Avocet
Finger rings – for Brine shrimp and Brine fly (pre-make these or have
each participant make their own)
Hole punch
Hot glue gun
Scotch tape
Black pipe cleaners 12” – Brine fly and Brine shrimp
White pipe cleaners 12” – Avocet
Supply Prep Tips:
Pre-cut puppet eyes
Pre-cut Brine legs and Brine shrimp antennae – black pipe cleaners
Pre-cut and assemble finger rings
Puppet Build General Supplies, Courtesy & Copyright Therese Berry
Great Salt Lake Puppets-Materials Links to Sources
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The Science Behind the Puppets
Puppet Event Poster Text
Great Salt Lake Puppet Poster Text & Images, taken from the following three pdf images:
Poster Text on Avocets, Brine Shrimp and Brine Flies
Brine Fly Template, Brine Shrimp Lifecycle, Brine Fly Lifecycle and Poster Text
Brine Shrimp, Eared Grebe and Avocet Templates (for 11×17 card stock)
Brine Shrimp Lifecycle
Courtesy Genetic Science Learning Center, University of Utah
Great Salt Lake Background-Brine Shrimp, Brine Flies, American Avocets & Eared Grebes and more…
Great Salt Lake Utah, USGS,
Wild About Utah
Greene, Jack, The Great Salt Lake: Important for Birds, Wild About Utah, June 27, 2022,
Strand, Holly, Important Bird Areas, Wild About Utah, October 21, 2008,
Strand, Holly, One of the World’s Largest Shrimp Buffets, Wild About Utah, June 3, 2008,
Larese-Casanova, Mark, Oolites, Wild About Utah, March 24, 2011,
Great Salt Lake Food Web, Genetic Science Learning Center, University of Utah,
Birds, Genetic Science Learning Center, University of Utah,
Brine Shrimp Lifecycle, Genetic Science Learning Center, University of Utah,
Brine Shrimp, Genetic Science Learning Center, University of Utah,
Brine Flies, Genetic Science Learning Center, University of Utah,
Westminster University
Great Salt Lake Institute, Westminster University,
Great Salt Lake Teacher Resources, Westminster University,
The Great Salt Lake Collaborative: A Solutions Journalism Initiative
Lawrence, Robert, The remarkable resilience of Utah’s state crustacean, KSL, September 14, 2023,
Williams, Jason, How would Utah be affected by the lake’s absence?, The Great Salt Lake Collaborative,
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Sponsors & Collaborators